zaterdag 20 februari 2010

Contact Improvisation Jam on saturday 27th of februari

Dear Dancers,

CHILI CONZORO would like to invite you to the CI-JAM on saturday 23rd of januari.


14.00 - 15.30
Workshops for all levels, as an introduction, warm up and for new inspiration given by Damaris & Lydia.

15.30 - 17.00
Open Jam with live music by Zizi.
Jump in and dance or watch as you like.

Workshop € 6, Jam € 4
Workshop & Jam € 8

Studio Cuartito Azul, Delftsestraat 27 Rotterdam, located next to central station

More info:
06 - 430 27 351

We are looking forward to dancing with you!
Lydia, Damaris & Janine

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